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Calendar of Events

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Event Calendar:

   Events as a List
   Events as a Grid
   Submitting an Event

   In the Media:   
Community of Spirit:
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For Your Journey:
Guardian Angels:
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We have a new automated system for our calendar of events feature. Practitioners and providers can enter their own information allowing for quicker postings. Visitors may search the calendar for a specific class, instructor or similar. Clicking on an underlined link on the calendar will display details for the program listed. Clicking on the numerical date will display a single days events sorted by event start time. The event calendar can be displayed in two ways.

Events Displayed as a List
This choice shows the current month displayed in a list format. Other months can be easily selected by clicking on the bar above the grid. We prefer this choice as it more easily read and is similar to our previous chronological calendar format. This Months List Now

Events Displayed  as a Grid
This choice shows the current month displayed in a grid format with the customary box for each day of the month. Other months can be easily selected by clicking on the bar above the grid. It is somewhat more confusing to read than the list format especially when many events are scheduled for the same day. Go to Month as a Grid Now

Submitting an Event
Practitioners and Providers from our area are encouraged to add their events to our calendar. One time as well as repeating events are supported. Please click on the purple "Professional Pages" button above to learn more.

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